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I've been writing and producing my own work since 2014. My shows typically include spoken word poetry, physical comedy, songs and interactive video projection.
I tend to keep the stage as bare and simple as possible and to use projection as something for the performers to interact with or that reacts to their movements, so that it's almost like the projections are another character onstage. Examples of this include the section of Super Hamlet 64 when Hamlet fires portals out of his ukulele and then jumps through them, and in Too Pretty To Punch where a projection of me is trapped in a fashion magazine being swatted at by the real me who's onstage dressed as a fashion journalist.
As a Lecoq graduate playfulness and improvisation are really important to both the energy I bring to rehearsals and to performing itself. I delight in spontaneity and that feeling of liveness, connecting with an audience there and then in those shared moments together.
I'm currently writing a trans adaptation of Shakespeare's Pericles called Queericles, as well as developing the projection style I experimented with in the Queericles 2023 R&D for a new project called We Won't Take This Lying Down, about climate change, apathy and feelings of powerlessness.
Current productions
Past Productions
A play for under 10s about an autistic robot who goes on space adventures.
A comedy spoken word show about gender, the media and not fitting any of the boxes.
A comedy spoken word show about videogames and Shakespeare.
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