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Super Hamlet 64: Parody DLC (2017-18)


Armed with only an ocarina, a ukulele and a thirst for revenge, Lecoq trained Edward Day battles four decades of videogame nostalgia in an explosion of Shakespeare, live music and 16 bit ridiculousness, but can Ophelia defeat the zombie hordes and save Hamlet once and for all?


Super Hamlet 64: Parody DLC is a one person, physical theatre, spoken word mix of Shakespearean tragedies and videogaming with clowning, mime, live music, retro animation and video projection, exploring mental health, philosophy and our addiction to technology.


Game design is all about fostering the illusion of choice. Hamlet is about a boy trapped by tragic circumstances and cowardice, unable to choose anything. 


I developed and performed a rough version for the finale of Red Rose Chain's 24 hour Shakespearathon in June and now I'm further developing it with Derby's TechsQUAD AV team ready to tour in Spring/Summer 2017.


Audience comments:
"A well written, perfectly pitched homage to videogames, geekdom and Shakespeare."

"A total geekfest!"

In The Surface Of A Bubble (2014)

Inspired by Animé and martial art films, and using Capoeira, masks, puppetry, Kung-fu and live music, In The Surface Of A Bubble transports the audience to an alternate universe where people need only imagine something for it to come true. The girl with the most imagination falls in love with the boy with the least and together they transform their world into ours, where thoughts are locked inside our heads.

At its heart it's about a girl with a transgender father and an absent mother, struggling to find her place in the world. It explores philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism as well as the naivety of youth: wanting more than anything to grow up and be free and how that clashes with common perceptions of adulthood.


Adapted from the novel of the same name, it was developed through workshops with a large pool of actors before touring to several venues in 2014.

"Clever, intriguing but funny and dark in equal measure, this piece provides a detached appraisal of the conflicting rules we live by." - West End Wilma **** 

"Day’s language is a flower-bomb of rich, thought-provoking imagery, it is kaleidoscopic and constantly evolving, and it truly pushes the boundaries of the imagination." - A Younger Theatre **** 

"A magical show overflowing with creativity that can’t help but infect." - Broadway Baby

"Day's script crackles with joy." - The List

Line Moller-Christensen
Edward Day
Adam Cridland
Amelie Leroy


Supported by the Arts Council, Bradon Forest School, Blue Elephant Theatre and Leadership Martial Arts.




Fundamentals of Jacques Lecoq

A one day masterclass in the basics of the Jacques Lecoq methods of theatre creation, exploring the movement of animals, elements, and materials to create bold, truthful characters as well as chorus techniques for creating theatre as an ensemble. Whether you’re looking to learn new techniques for theatre making or simply want to develop as performer, this workshop will provide you with a toolbox of performance skills and new ways of working.


Ridiculous Opposites and Shakespearean Clown

Humour is everywhere in Shakespeare, from the obvious bumbling clowns to the comic one liners peppered through the famous speeches. 

Alongside performances of Super Hamlet 64: Parody DLC I'll be running workshops in unlocking the comedy in Shakespeare through audience connection, naivety and play.


I've also run bespoke workshops including classes in feminine movement for Parisian Drag Queens, performing poetry and Capoeira.


Click here for my CV:


Quotes for my acting:


"Led by the striking, fantastical figure of Edward Day, Red Rose Chain's Terrific tempest goes down a storm"

                                                                                                                                                                                - Libby Purves, Daily Mail ****

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